IV (The Diviner) , Sibil-la Ensemble, Greek National Opera - Sacred Music Festival, Athens
Confronting Silence, Mouthwash Collective - Rock Retro Takeover, Lincoln UK
A Space In-Between: teenage Bedroom, Danguole Lingyte, Vilnius Rotuse
Confronting Silence, 31 miniatures for Mr. M, Polytechno, Corfu
Confronting Silence, Days of Electroacoustic Music 2024, School of Fine Arts Theatre, Athens, Greece
Umwelt (trilogy), International Forum of Performance Art, Drama, Greece
Confronting Silence, Art Work Exeter, River Radio, Custom House, ECQT’s Heritage Harbour and Quayside -Shanty Festival, National Heritage Days, Exeter, UK
Umwelt, Art Work Exeter, River Radio, Custom House, ECQT’s Heritage Harbour and Quayside Shanty Festival - National Heritage Days, Exeter UK
Confronting Silence, Summer Academy of Sonic Arts-Department of Musical Studies Festival, Corfu
The String, International Computer Music Conference 2024: Sound in Motion, Seoul
My Voice, Electronic Frequencies Festival, Concertzender, Amsterdam
Confronting Silence, Peter Nelson Ensemble, West Court Gallery, Edinburgh
The String, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
My Voice, Electroacoustic Music Days 2023, 41st CIME/ICEM General Assembly, Rethimnon, Greece
Umwelt trilogy, Runt of the Litter Gallery, London
Over the Hill, Peter Nelson Ensemble, West Court Gallery, Edinburgh
Umwelt trilogy, West Court Gallery, Edinburgh
Umwelt trilogy, On Off Studio, Athens
Umwelt trilogy, Teriade Museum of Modern Art, Lesvos, Greece
Pilgrims Horses, b-side festival, Portland
Umwelt, b-side online collection, online
The Memory Passage, b-side online collection, online
Fade Out, HMP Portland Prison Taste Exhibition, Portland
Coastal Path: where the liquid hags the solid, HMP Portland Prison Taste Exhibition, Portland
Ko, choreographer: Louis Fukuhara, ミライへの1minute, TNC TV station, Japan
Ko, choreographer: Louis Fukuhara, Namiki Square, Japan
Umwelt, Plus-Minus Ensemble, Dialogues Festival 2021, Edinburgh
Umwelt, Plus-Minus Ensemble, CIME-HELMCA Days of Electroacoustic Music, Crete
Reading Glasses Story, Vilniaus rotuse, Lithuania
My Voice, Dimitris Soukaras, London
My Voice, Theros Theatre Ensemble, Athens
"PLAY ME", Plus-Minus Ensemble, ECA 2020 online show, Edinburgh
"PLAY ME", Plus-Minus Ensemble, CIME-HELMCA Days of Electroacoustic Music, Athens
In – Between, Edinburgh New Music Ensemble Edinburgh Quartet, Dialogues Festival, Edinburgh
Opus: An one act Opera, Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh
Uncanny Walks (for Mylilini refugees), Lesvos, Greece
Shoggoth, composer Aggelos Mastranotnis, visuals for music, ECA 2020 online show, Edinburgh
Human at Heart, director: Alia-Lauren Clain, music for film, Glasgow
Metamorphosis, Greek National Opera, Athens
The Memory Passage, Edinburgh Film Music Orchestra & Red Note Ensemble, Edinburgh College of Art
The Memory Passage, Edinburgh Film Music Orchestra & Red Note Ensemble, Athens Conservatory
Urban Whale, Alexander Gipson Opera Studio, Glasgow
Proposal for a Dance Performance, Rush Hour Ensemble, Dialogues Festival, Edinburgh
Proposal for a Dance Performance, Rush Hour Ensemble, Det Jytke Musikkonservatorium, Aarhus
Strings in your Mouth, Edinburgh Quartet, Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh
Fade Out, RCS Bridge Week Festival, Glasgow
Fade Out, CIME-HELMCA Days of Electroacoustic Music, Corfu
Dimensional Mirrors, Edinburgh Film Music Orchestra, Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh
Red Stone, Red Note Ensemble, RCS Music Lab, Glasgow
Flyby, St Andrews Contemporary Music Ensemble, St Andrews Astronomy Department MUSA Collection Centre, St Andrews, UK
Silver Brown, PLUG Contemporary Music Festival, Glasgow
Ison, PLUG Contemporary Music Festival, Glasgow
For Future Reference, The New What Now, MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent, Belgium
Made by the Ants, Sonic Nights 3, Glasgow
Ko, choreographer: Louis Fukuhara, RCS, Glasgow
Flyby, artwork in collaboration with astronomers from St Andrews University, MUSA, St Andrews, UK
Tiny Dynamite, director: Heather Knudtsen, music and sound design for theatre, The Chandler Studio Theatre, Glasgow
Everyday Physics (Καθημερινή Φυσική), music for animated documentaries, online
Surviving a long fall, scenic and light design for theatre, Polytechno, Corfu
The Box, 11th Audiovisual Arts Festival, Museum of Asian Art, Corfu
Boiler Room, Sonic Nights 1, Glasgow
Ithaki, Corfu's old Fortress, Greece
Step 24, St George Church, Corfu
Allegory of the Cave, Portative Ensemble, Ionian Academy, Corfu
What's in the Bag?, 10th Audiovisual Arts Festival, Corfu's old Psychiatric Clinic
Glass-mash, 10th Audiovisual Arts Festival, Corfu's old Psychiatric Clinic
Crime and Punishment, live music for the animation of Piotr Dumala, Ντουμπλάζ Fest, Polytechno, Corfu
Seventh Seal, Portative Ensemble, Old Philharmonic Society, Corfu
Ioannis Panagiotou, I.P. (2024) 'My Voice', HELMCA 2023 [CD], Corfu: Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association
Panagiotou I.P. (2022) 'PLAY ME: the narrator as the threshold between informal and formal voices', MUSIC.OLOGY.ECA, Vol 3
Panagiotou, Gillot (2022) 'Coastal Path: where the liquid hags the solid', HMP Portland
Panagiotou I.P. (2021) ‘Proposal for a Dance Performance: Self-narrating through graphic media and notations’, MUSIC.OLOGY.ECA, Vol 2
Panagiotou, Kalogianni, I.P. D.K. (2020) 'The Memory Passage', The Mass (April-DECOLONISE), p. 46
Zurich University of the Arts, Komposition / Theorie - Departement Musik
Greek National Opera, Transmedia Lab
CIME / ICEM - International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music (HELMCA - The Hellenic Electroacoustic Music Composers Association)
Edinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust (2023-2024)
b-side: WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE? (2022)
Moray Endowment Award (2021)
Devolved Research Fund (2020)
Postgraduate Research Experience Fund (2018-2020)
RCS Equality and Diversity Fund (2019)
Bridge Week Festival (2018)
ICLLCD 2024 | International Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture Development (Keynote Speach)
International Computer Music Conference 2024: Sound in Motion, Seoul
Zurich University of the Arts, Composition Department
ICLLCD 2024 | International Conference on Literature, Language, and Culture Development (Keynote Speech)
Manchester School of Art, School of Digital Arts, Manchester Metropolitan University
Royal Conservatory Antwerp, Film Music Department
Zurich University of the Arts, Composition Department
On Off Studio, Athens
Teriade Museum of Modern Art, University of the Aegean
B-side Festival, Portland Museum/Royal Manor Theatre
University of the Aegean Department of Cultural Technology and Communication
The University of Edinburgh, Reid School of Music Research Seminars
Glasgow School of Arts, School of Simulation and Visualisation & Academy of Music and Sound
Zurich University of the Arts, Composition Department
Bath Spa University, Sound Lab
University of the Peloponnese, Department of Performing and Digital Arts
University of the Aegean Department of Cultural Technology and Communication
University of Edinburgh, Reid School of Music
Royal Academy of Music Aarhus, Composition Department
St Andrews University, Astronomy Department, St Andrews University Museum (MUSA collection Centre)
Oakwood and Aultmore Park Primary Schools, Red Note Ensemble, Glasgow
Athens Money Show, Athens
7th Primary School, Corfu
Athens University History Museum, Athens